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Home / Peanut Butter and Chocolate Swiss Roll

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Swiss Roll

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Swiss Roll

  • Cooking Time
    1hr 40min
  • Difficulty
  • Serves

Recipe by Zola Nene


For the sponge:
• 3 eggs
• 115g Selati Castor Snow
• 60g self-raising flour
• 30g cocoa powder

For the peanut butter frosting:
• 100g butter, softened
• 100g smooth peanut butter
• 400g Selati Icing Snow, sifted


• Grease a Swiss roll tray and line with baking paper.
• Pre heat the oven to 200ºC.
• Beat the eggs and castor sugar until ribbon stage (light and fluffy)
• Sift together the self-raising flour and cocoa powder, then fold into the egg mixture with a spatula.
• Spread evenly onto the baking tray, then bake for 10-12 minutes – be careful not to overbake the sponge as it will cause it to crack when rolled
• Sprinkle a large sheet of baking powder with castor sugar then turn the baked sponge out onto the baking paper.
• Roll the cake up from the short side, rolling the paper inside the cake, then leave to cool.
• For the frosting, beat together the butter and peanut butter until smooth.
• Mix in the icing sugar until well incorporated and smooth.
• Unroll the sponge, then spread with the frosting, before rolling up again into a log.