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Home / South African festive fruitcake

South African festive fruitcake

South African festive fruitcake

  • Cooking Time
    1hr 10min
  • Difficulty
  • Serves

Recipe by: Alice Toich


• 8 Eggs
• 100g Butter, melted and cooled
• 290g Flour
• 220g castor sugar
• ½ tsp mixed spice
• 1tsp cinnamon
• Salt

Chantilly cream:
• 250ml whipped cream
• 1 shot brandy
• Castor sugar

Top with:
• seasonal fruit (optional)
• nuts (optional)
• chocolate (optional)


• Pre-heat the oven to 180’C. Lightly grease two 22cm round cake tins with melted butter. Line base with baking paper and dust with a little four, shacking off any excess.
• Sift the flour 3 times onto paper. Mix the eggs and sugar in a large heatproof bowl. Place the bowl over a pan of simmering water, making sure the base does not touch the water, and whisk using electric beaters on high speed for 8 minutes or until the mixture is very thick and pale. Remove from the heat and whisk for three minutes.
• Using a large metal spoon fold the butter and flour into the egg mixture quickly and lightly until mixture is just combined.
• Spread the mixture evenly into the tins. Bake for 18 to 20 min, or until lightly golden and shrunk slightly from the side of the tins, and a skewer inserted into the cake comes out clean. Leave the cakes in the tins for five minutes before turning onto a wire rack to cool. Sandwich the cooled cakes with cream and top with cream and seasonal fruit.