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Sweet Samoosas

Sweet Samoosas

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Recipe by Chris Smit


• 4 Tbsp. Semolina Flour, toasted
• ¾ Cup Desiccated Coconut, toasted
• 2 Tbs Selati Castor Snow
• 500gr. Cream Cheese, room temperature
• 1tsp. Cinnamon Powder
• ½ Cup Raisins

• ¼ Cup Selati White Sugar
• ½ Cup Water
• ½ Vanilla Bean
• 1 tsp. Rosewater
• 12 Samoosa Pastry Sheets (Pur)
• 2 Tbsp. Cake Flour
• 2 Tbsp. Water
• Oil for deep frying
• Chopped Pistachio Nuts for garnish
• Dried Rose Petals for garnish


• Start by slowly heating all the ingredients for the syrup. Scraped out the seeds of the Vanilla Pod and add to the syrup together with the pod. Stir until the sugar has dissolved, remove from the heat and set aside.
• For the filling: Mix all the ingredients together until smooth.
• Mix the water and cake flour together to form a thick paste and set aside.
• Take a single sheet of pastry and fold to form a pocket, spoon about 1 tbsp. of the filling into the pocket and fold the rest of the pastry. Use some of the flour paste to seal the end and set aside. Continue with rest until the filling is used up.
• Start heat the oil a moderate heat and slowly add some of the Samoosas, turn once to ensure even cooking and remove once the pastry is golden and crisp. Place on kitchen paper to absorb any extra oil. Once all the pastries have been fried arrange neatly on a serving platter. Drizzle some of the syrup over followed by the chopped pistachio nuts and dries rose petals.