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Home / Vanilla Rice Pudding with Pear Compote

Vanilla Rice Pudding with Pear Compote

Vanilla Rice Pudding with Pear Compote

  • Cooking Time
    1hr 20min
  • Difficulty
  • Serves

Recipe by Zola Nene


• 250g Jasmine rice, rinsed
• 500ml milk
• 100g Selati castor Snow
• 250ml cream
• 2 tsp vanilla paste

Pear compote:
• 3 pears, peeled and sliced
• 1tsp vanilla paste
• 125ml pear juice
• 2 Tbs Selati castor snow sugar

Nut topping:
• 100g flaked almonds
• 1 Tbs Selati Muscovado sugar
• Pinch ground cinnamon


• Place the rice, milk and sugar into a saucepan, cover and simmer, stirring frequently, and cook for about 15 – 20 minutes until the rice is tender.
• Stir in the cream and vanilla.
• Place pears, vanilla, pear juice and sugar into a pan and stir until sugar dissolves. Simmer gently until the pears begin to soften and the sauce reduces
• Toast nuts in a dry pan. Remove from the heat, add sugar and cinnamon.
• Serve rice pudding in bowls, topped with compote and sprinkled with nuts.